Bendigo Senior Secondary College’s Year 12 students farewelled their school years with colourful and imaginative morning celebrations on Thursday 20 October. Friendships, new experiences and personal growth during 13 years of schooling were all celebrated with a fancy dress parade and a farewell BBQ.

There was a great party atmosphere thanks to R & J DJ and Entertainment, with students singing and dancing as one. The sight of several hundred students dancing the Macarena is something that everyone present will remember.

Contrasting with the formal dress of the previous evening’s Graduation ceremony, there was a spectacular array of costumes, including several Donald Trumps, the cast of The Simpsons, a clever take on the Spice Girls, and a group of very spritely senior citizens with walking frames.

Many students took the opportunity to have photos taken with their close friends at the photo booth, then enjoyed the delicious BBQ breakfast to round off the morning’s activities.

Principal Dale Pearce said the last day of Year 12 is special for students and the college community.

“We take this opportunity to thank students for their involvement in the college during their time at BSSC. Celebrating in such a positive and responsible way allows everyone to finish the academic year on a high note. IT was a memorable morning”

See Facebook for all the photographic highlights…