If you are finishing Year 12 and planning on a tertiary education, you should be busy with your VTAC application, as well as looking for opportunities for early offers and scholarships.

Many scholarships for regional and disadvantaged students go begging. Make sure you apply if there is one suitable for you.

While some scholarships are based on high academic achievement, most universities offer a variety of scholarships for equity and access.  These provide assistance for students with a range of disadvantages, including financial need, regional location, medical conditions, indigenous students and more.

Some non-academic scholarships are also awarded to elite athletes and musicians. Our BSSC careers team also has a list of scholarships on the careers/scholarship website. Go to the careers office and ask Naomi or Caz what’s available for you.

Are you planning to complete a VTAC application?  Get started now!  Timely VTAC applications end on Thursday 29 September, which is during the holidays.  We strongly recommend you complete all aspects of your VTAC application before the end of Term 3 so you can then focus on preparing for end of year exams.

Aspire Applications close Wednesday 31 August.  La Trobe University’s early entry program, Aspire takes into consideration a student’s contributions to the community.  A successful Aspire application will mean an early offer into a course at La Trobe University.

Applications are made online on the La Trobe University Aspire page and take 10 minutes to complete.  Even if you think your community involvement is minimal we recommend you have a go.  Wouldn’t you feel great over the Christmas holidays knowing you already have been accepted into your university course!

For more information on VTAC applications visit:  http://www.vtac.edu.au/

To apply for Aspire scholarships visit:

http://latrobe.custhelp.com/ci/documents/detail/2/aspire-program http://www.latrobe.edu.au/be-the-difference/aspire-program#sthash.zWpGecIO.dpuf