In lovely sunshine, BSSC’s Plaza was the lunchtime gathering place for students, staff, visitors as well as special guests and performers.

This coming together was a moment to reflect on the importance of reconciliation for all Australians with our First Nations Peoples.

With the smoke from the fire pit wafting across the crowd, and a fabulous feast of kangaroo casserole as well as BBQ kangaroo sausages, beef sausages and lemon myrtle Johnny Cakes with jam and cream, the stage was set.

Rhaedelle Pickett sang a series of beautiful, familiar ballads—including ‘Valerie’ and Darcy McGauley-Bartlett spoke on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

A pop-up stall for questions about The Voice and Treaty was managed by BSSC Alumna, Jacinta Douglas, and a gumleaf painting opportunity for creative people resulted in a lovely collection of beautifully painted leaves.

We, as a school, can offer very little without our Community’s generous support of Cultural Knowledge and Mentorship for our students.

We want to acknowledge that this is a difficult year for our First Nations Community, with the increased debate around Constitutional changes which now dominates the media.

A huge thank you to Community for supporting our event and also everyone who helped make this day so special for all of us.

Head to our Facebook page to see some photos from the event.