Student News

Rubbish or recycling?

2022-09-15T15:55:17+11:00September 15th, 2022|

BSSC Senior VCAL students are presently completing community-based projects. Today one Personal Development class presented a challenge to BSSC students [...]

Day on Country

2022-12-14T11:50:28+11:00September 15th, 2022|

Yesterday a group of BSSC First Nations students spent a ‘Day on Country’ at Kooyoora State Park with Djaara Traditional [...]

Murray River adventure

2022-09-13T11:24:37+11:00September 13th, 2022|

Outdoor Environmental Studies (Unit 2) students shifted their classroom to the mighty Murray River last week, paddling from the Barmah [...]


2022-12-14T11:50:29+11:00September 8th, 2022|

It might have been bucketing down at lunchtime, but BSSC’s Student Leadership Team still recognised RUOK Day by handing out [...]

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