Artworks by three BSSC art students are currently on show in the City of Greater Bendigo COG Art exhibition. Congratulations to, Sarna Grace, Jasper Turpie and Genevieve Somerville who participated in this year’s COG Art: Bendigo Young Artists Project.

Their work was launched on Friday evening by the City of Greater Bendigo.

Following mentoring and learning opportunities during January, each of the 10 young artists involved developed a visual arts piece to be hung in The COG, an inspiring and creative space for young people.

This year’s theme was Identity.

As part of the project, young people met with Karen Annett-Thomas to discuss her exhibition ‘Out of Winter’ at the Bendigo Art Gallery and Kelly Robson to create a paste-up exhibition in Chancery Lane.

City Manager Community Partnerships, Steven Abbott, thanked the artists for their commitment to the project and for their creative pieces.

“The young artists are to be congratulated on their striking, individual pieces that are the result of hard work and dedication,” he said.

“The City is pleased to celebrate the talent of local young people and provide a space such as The COG to exhibit their artwork.”

Meaning ‘Community Opportunity Growth’, The COG facility aims to be a space where young people can work together, nurture ideas, learn new skills and develop their creativity in a supportive environment.

The exhibition is now open and everyone is invited to view the artworks by visiting The COG at 45 Mundy Street Bendigo.