Unit 1 exams commence on Wednesday 1 June and run through until and including Friday 3 June.  Please note there will be an altered day structure for Unit 1 exams and Unit 3 classes during this three day exam period.

The altered day structures in place during the June exam period are designed to facilitate VCE exams. The 105 minutes allowed in each block will enable a reading time of 15 minutes followed by a 90 minute exam.

Be sure you know where your exam will take place.  Some exams will be conducted in regular classrooms, while others will be scheduled for James King Hall. Class teachers will advise their classes of room locations.

The following changes will occur to all classes during Wednesday 1 June to Friday 3 June:


GAT – Tuesday June 7, 10.00 am – 1.15 pm

All students sitting the GAT should now have received their individual GAT timetable and GAT information brochure. This was distributed during the GAT Enhancement Day on Monday May 23. This document is important and should be kept in a secure place until after the GAT as it shows students their official blue VCAA timetable with the student VCAA number which must be recorded and taken to the exam/s. It also gives the date, time and room for the GAT. If students have not collected this individual GAT Timetable and GAT information brochure, they are to see Lyn Waterson in the Learning Engagement Coordinators Office to collect this ASAP.