Ace your exams by revising the essential knowledge, techniques and exam strategies for your subjects. Two revision lecture series will be held in Bendigo.

End of Year exam revision lectures run by Access Education and TSSM will run in Bendigo over the first two weekends of term four, while Melbourne University’s SWOT program runs an inexpensive revision program for several VCE subjects in the second week of the holidays from Saturday 24 Sept – Thursday 29 Sept.

BSSC teachers will also be running revision programs for BSSC students. We’ll keep you up to date with all the details as they come to hand. English revision times are displayed on posters near the English classrooms.


  1. TSSM lectures are held at BSSC: 8, 9 and 15 October. BSSC students get a significant discount.

TSSM End-of-Year Exam Revision Brochure – Web.pdf

Payment for TSSM lectures must be made by 1.30 pm Tuesday 4 October to the BSSC Finance Office.


Saturday 8 October Sunday 9 October Saturday 15 October
9.00 am -12.30 pm Maths Methods

Outdoor and Environmental Studies

Global Politics

Legal Studies

English Language
History of Revolutions
Software Development
Psychology Choice 1
1.00-4.30pm English Biology Business Management
5.00-8.30pm Food Technology

Further Maths

Specialist Maths


Health and Human Development



Physical Education


 FREE 2 hour ‘Conquer the Exams’ lecture in Melbourne with every Enrolment:

When you enrol in a TSSM subject lecture, you also are able to attend a two-hour ‘Conquer the Exams – Strategies for Success’ seminar FREE. The Conquer the Exams seminar will be held in Melbourne on either October 8, 10 am to 12 pm, October 9, 2 to 4pm or October 23, 10 am to 1 2pm. In this two-hour session you will learn the essential techniques and strategies used by high performing students to achieve elite results


  1. Access Education Lectures are at La Trobe University on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October.


Please note that students experiencing financial hardship may be able to attend Access lectures for the subsidised price of $5 per lecture.  Please see the wellbeing coordinators or your LEC if you want to apply for the discount.

Bendigo Revision Lectures October 2016.pdf
Access Ed Revision Lecture Enrolment Form BSSC .pdf


Saturday 15 October Sunday 16 October
8.45 – 11.30 am Psychology English Language
9.00 – 11.30 am Maths Methods CAS English
12.00 – 2.30 pm Business Management
12.00 – 2.45 pm Biology
12.15 – 2.45 pm Physical Education Legal Studies
3.15 6.00 pm Further Maths or Physics
3.30 6.00 pm Accounting Health and Human Development


BSSC students have the convenience of paying through our college finance office for the Bendigo revision lectures.

To pay, students must fill out the above enrolment form of the exclusive BSSC Access Education flyer and hand this in, together with their payment (of $34.50) per lecture to the BSSC Finance Office.

Payment for ACCESS Education lectures must be made by 1.30 pm Tuesday 11 October,  to the BSSC Finance Office. If paying by cheque make  payable to Bendigo Senior Secondary College.

  1. SWOT program at Melbourne Uni Saturday 24 September – Thursday 29 September. Register by 12 September.


Tickets: $7.50 per person per day (to cover printing costs)