Our Wellbeing team has recently been involved in Mental Health Professionals Network seminars: Working collaboratively to support students experiencing exam anxiety.  Here are some apps that were recommended to assist students and parents.

Apps for Stress, anxiety and panic

  • com is described as a sanctuary in your pocket. It’s all about relaxation and meditation using visual imagery and calming sounds (Free).
  • Smiling mind describes itself as modern meditation for young people. Its aim is calm, clarity and contentment. (Free)
  • Worry box, anxiety self-help is a virtual box to contain your worries. It’s like an interactive diary, but it also asks questions about whether the worry is controllable or important. (Free; Android only)
  • Let panic go is an app for use by someone having a panic attack (Free).
  • Anxiety free relies on more than meditation: hypnosis. It provides 30 minutes of audio used to place your mind in an ultimate relaxed state (Free; iPhone only).
  • Breathe2Relax breathing exercises for anyone who feels a panic attack coming on. It’s also recommended for anxiety, anger management, and mood stabilisation (Free; iPhone and Android).


Apps for Depression

  • MoodKit offers CBT ‘homework’ for young people to improve their mood, recording events and feelings, and rating their mood along the way.


Apps for Better sleep

  • Relax melodies is 46 pieces of music to help those who can’t sleep, or are anxious about getting to sleep, to do it better (Free; iPhone and Android).
  • Nature sounds relax and sleep has a wide selection of nature-inspired sounds like waterfalls and ocean waves to lure you to sleep (Free; Android only).
  • Calming music to simplicity is a music app designed to relieve stress and encourage sleep using nine ancient balancing tai chi practices and related Chinese music (Free; Android only).
  • DeepSleep incorporates guided meditation to help overcome insomnia. It can be customised and has an alarm for waking up.
  • Sleep Time estimates rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycles while you sleep to help someone gain a better understanding of their sleep habits.


Apps for Body image

  • Body Beautiful promotes positive body image and self-esteem among women and girls.


Apps for Self-injury

  • iCope, developed by mental health nurses, offers alternatives to deliberate self-harm by providing practical and easy steps to distract, displace and seek-help (Free; iPhone only).


Apps for Resilience

  • SuperBetter is an online game that supports young people to achieve health-related goals by increasing resilience.