BSSC’s Scholar’s Hut was the setting for a wonderful art workshop yesterday; bringing together young First Nations women from across Bendigo’s secondary colleges.

Led by talented Aboriginal Palawa Trawlwoolway artist, Josie Gower, the ‘Emu Caller Design Workshop’ not only produced some truly impressive art pieces, Year 11 student Ella, says the highlight was learning about the experiences of other mob and connecting with each other.

“And it was so much fun!” she added.

“There is such a different energy when mob get together,” says Josie. “Especially when women gather to make art alongside each other.”

The workshop was funded through a federal government NAIDOC grant through the National Indigenous Australian Agency.

And young First Nations men will not miss out—next week there is a Digeridoo Design Workshop to be held at BSSC. Stay tuned.