This week the first Bendigo Senior Secondary College Year 12 speech night took place.

The evening was organised to bring together the best oral presentations from the Unit 4 ‘presenting argument’ outcome.

The field included ten students whose speeches were considered the best of those presented in classes and the evening was attended by these students’ families and many Bendigo Senior staff.

The audience was fortunate to witness an incredible level of talent as students delivered across a broad range of topics and with genuine skill relating to argumentation and persuasive oratory.

The students who presented were; Anna Winter, Paige Beamish, Cooper Bowen, Jackson Ray, Tait Poyser, Nathan Gordon, Amy Wrigglesworth, Elise McGibbon and Mia Martin.

The evening was also used to determine the inaugural winner of the Award for Excellence in Persuasive Oration and the attending adjudicator had an incredibly hard job given the outstanding quality of the presentations.

As they say, however, there can only be one winner… but in this case there were two: with Anna Winter and Amy Wrigglesworth receiving the honour.

Special thanks needs to be given to Dr Scott Alterator, from Latrobe University, who adjudicated on the night and, of course, to our participating students who set such an auspicious precedent for our speech night and new award.

(Thanks to Peter Dearricott for this article)