On Wednesday 6th October the BSSC Student Leadership Team is running a fundraising event called ‘Do It In a Dress’ to raise awareness and funds for girls’ equal access to education.


 Students and staff are encouraged to wear a dress to school on October 6th so that girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda can also put on a school dress and take charge of THEIR futures. You can wear a school dress of your own, or purchase a One Girl Foundation school dress from their website.


To join the BSSC DIIAD team, please click the link below and join other participants excited about sharing the joy of education with girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda.



So, sign up, put on a dress, and help raise funds to harness the power of education for girls and young women. And check out this amazing 3-minute video that explains just why this campaign is so important:



Any questions? Contact Amelia Bailey at BAI0071@bssc.edu.au