The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is one of the two Victorian senior secondary certificates that is the preferred pathway to further study at university and many Technical and Further Education (TAFE) courses.

The college offers the widest choice of VCE subjects in the state. Students select subjects within their preferred program to meet their individual needs and within the rules laid down by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

Students may:

  • Undertake a Year 12 subject in Year 11
  • Complete a VCE course in a standard two-year time frame
  • Plan for a 3 year VCE due to part-time work or sporting commitments
  • Combine VCE with VET programs
  • Study a VCE subject as part of their VCAL program
  • Study a VCE subject as part of a School Based Apprenticeship.


Studying other languages provides students with direct access to the rich and varied cultural communities around the world.

Health & PE

Health & PE helps students understand the importance of our environment and the role of physical activity and a healthy […]

Visual Arts

Visual Arts provides students with the opportunities to develop creative skills in a range of practical and theoretical areas.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts allows students to develop their creative skills and express ideas through a variety of performing arts mediums.


Technology Studies contributes to creating confident and unique problem solvers and project managers well equipped to deal with the multi-disciplinary […]


Science extends our understanding of the world in which we live. Science at BSSC involves Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics, […]


Mathematics is a universal skill used by all people in everyday life. Mathematics provides us with a means of symbolic […]


We explore the past and examine the present to prepare for the future. The Humanities Learning Area celebrates and promotes […]


While English is compulsory in the VCE, the college aims to provide the maximum choice to students regarding the specific […]

Business & IT

Business and IT studies provide a broad understanding of the business world, how it works, how decisions are made and […]