Alumni profile


When you were a student, what did you want to do beyond year 12? What are you doing now?

Career wise, I wanted to study and become a journalist. I’m now health editor at the Herald Sun, having been a journalist since graduating from Deakin University in 1998. More importantly, I’m a husband and a father.


What do you love about the type of work you do now?

I get to learn and pass on information every day, holding to account those who need to be held to account. On a good day, I make a difference on a community, state, national and international level. On a bad day I still get to experience a range of things few people are able to access and meet people from the most diverse range of backgrounds.


What’s one of your most vivid memories of your time at the college?

My head spinning from the size and randomness of the school, with so many students making it impossible to ever feel across what was going on. VCE seemed to be over before it began.


Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Don’t stress. Just work hard on whatever task is in front of you at the time so you can stay in control. As you tick even the smallest tasks off, the bigger picture will take care of itself.