Year 11 students gained valuable insights into the world of Accounting today when BSSC Alumnus, Billy Lacey (Class of 1998), visited the college. Billy is a Chartered Accountant and a Director of the local firm Ipsum Advisors.

Billy’s return to the college follows a chance meeting with BSSC Accounting teacher Steve Boyle, who invited him back to share his 20-year career journey since graduating in 1998.

“I remember the freedom I felt when I started at BSSC in 1997,” he told students. “It was the first time I’d felt fully responsible for my own direction in terms of education. You have incredible facilities at the college now and the teachers are here for you, so make the most of it.”

Billy talked students through the vast array of possibilities offered by the industry, including the opportunities to travel and “step out of your comfort zone”.

“I’ve met incredible people throughout my accounting career,” he said. “I think students like from regional areas like Bendigo can do particularly well… you have an openness and authenticity that people really like and relate too.

“Do the hard work and you will set yourself up for success.”

Billy also encouraged students to dedicate two and a half hours of their ‘social media time’ each week to reading and research.

“Use that time to read the financial pages,” he said. “You’ll be so far ahead of the pack by the time you get to uni.

“Technology is changing the way we do accounting. The future is looking really exciting.”