EIGHTEEN years ago, Morgan Bamford walked into Huntly Primary School as a fresh-faced prep student starting school.

Now, the former BSSC student has come full circle, with the graduate teacher starting her first permanent teaching role at the school this week.

Miss Bamford said it was a bit surreal to begin her teaching career at the same school she once attended, but exciting at the same time.

“I’ve probably got those first day of school jitters like the kids do, but I’m more excited than nervous,” she said.

She was offered the position at the start of December and said she began preparing displays for her classroom almost as soon as she found out.

This year she will take on a composite grades 1 and 2 class, although it will not be the first time she has taught at the school, having acted as a relief teacher last year.

Miss Bamford has kept her education local, completing her degree at La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus.

She said the school had not changed much since her time as a student, with the exception of a larger student body and some extra classrooms.

“It’s coming back home,” Miss Bamford said.


Natalie Croxon – Bendigo Advertiser