Keegan Bakker – Class of 2008

When you were a student, what did you want to do beyond year 12? What are you doing now?

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I completed VCE. I went on to a career in media working as a presenter for Fox FM in Melbourne for nine years. I recently left the microphone to run my tech company Audata, which I started four years ago.

What do you love about the type of work you do now?

I’ve always enjoyed media and work where I can be creative, but I’ve also always had a real interest in computers and programming. I’m now able to combine both of them.

What’s one of your most vivid memories of your time at the college?

Working on my Year 12 Media Project for Top Screen.

Was there a particular teacher or staff member that inspired you?

Scott Alterator was my Philosophy teacher and was probably the most memorable for his passion and natural communication ability.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Don’t be afraid to be openly passionate about the things that genuinely interest you.